Monday, July 6, 2015

Don't Get Too Political

Don't Get Too Political!

I have noticed that Christians spend a lot of time complaining about the various actions of the gov't but most don't do anything to correct it.  They don't want to get too political.  Recently I heard Dr. Jeffrees speak and he stated that there are 70,000,000 evangelicals in the USA.  The statistics of the election of 2012 are very sobering!  It was noted by Dr. Jeffrees that of those 70,000,000 evangelicals, 35,000,000 were not even registered to vote and of the 35,000,000 who were registered only 17,500,000 voted.  That is APPALLING!

Just think, if 70,000,000 evangelicals voted as a unified block (not to mention the millions of Christians who do not consider themselves evangelicals), they could control any election.  We pray and pray, even have election vigils, asking God to intervene and He has already given us the tool of the ballot box and we fail to use it.

It is time the Church opened its eyes and became a voice for the principles of good, rather than the victim of evil.  We have all we need to bring this about but we seem to be too lazy to register, too lazy to vote OR we want a candidate that shares ALL our values or we won't vote.  Ronald Reagan said that if he got 80% of what he wanted he considered that success.

I think it is time we put up or shut up!  I think it is time for the Church to really vote values NOT party. I think it is time the Church really began to function as the Church, with unity and a shared purpose!  It is time we came together and used the tools God has given us to reach the world for Him.  Tools like our financial resources to care for the needy; His love flowing through us to reach and heal a hurting world; and the ballot box to bring God's principles back to the public arena and bring healing to our nation.

It is time to quit being exclusively Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic (or any other denomination), Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, any racial or ethnic group and just be His Church and bring real healing to our world.  If we will, then real change can take place.

Just thinking again!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm tired!

I’m tired!  No, I’m exhausted!  You may ask, “Why are you tired, you are retired?”  Well, I’m glad you asked!  Let me tell you…

I’m tired of a gov’t who won’t tell, or even acknowledge the truth.  I’m tired of a gov’t that spins everything politically.  I’m tired of an electorate that is gullible.  I’m tired of uninformed citizens voting.  I’m tired of people wanting a handout.  I’m tired of working to get ahead only to have it taken and oft times given to someone unwilling to work.  I AM tired!

But we can move quickly from “tired” to “exhaustion” when we look at the Church.  I see His Church living at both ends of extreme.  On one end the Church tries to enforce morality (often called holiness).  The truth is you cannot legislate morality politically OR ecclesiastically.  Churches define morality (holiness) and the gov’t also defines and then redefines morality.  The truth is real holiness comes only through Jesus!  We need to forget the definitions and just allow the Holy Spirit to make the changes in our hearts and enable us to live morally (holy) as He defines it in scripture and He applies it in our personal lives.  I’m tired of churches replacing grace and love with their law and calling it holiness.  The truth is, I can keep every rule a church has and not even know Jesus!

At the other end of the spectrum, I’m tired of churches winking at sin.  You know the routine, everything goes because God loves us anyway.  He’ll always forgive.  That is true BUT what about the consequences of sin?  They are still there and they are very costly.  We are to call sin what God calls sin AND then we are to offer and demonstrate real love so the offender may be loved into a relationship with Jesus. 

It takes us back to our second blog, “Are we going to be a country club or a hospital?”  It really is a law vs. grace choice.  The choice is ours and in that choice lies the future of the Church and our nation.

So in spite our weariness, let’s get busy.  Busy LOVING!
Just thinking!